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Help Support The Purple Unicorn With Coronavirus Prevention!

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Did you know that Jay. I The Purple Unicorn is working hard to ensure we eliminate the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus?

Jay. I can't do this on her own, The Purple Unicorn will need more help from the VIP Unicorn Gang. Here is how you can help Jay. I with Coronavirus Prevention.

1) Wash Your Hands - Sanitize

  • Especially after using the bathroom, touching any hard surfaces, and when returning from outside.

  • Sanitize Your Hands if you have no access to running water and soap.

2) Avoid Close Contact

  • Distance Yourself at least 6ft, (Healthy or Not)

  • With Older Adults

  • People with Cancer or in remission

Social Distance - At Least 6 Ft to Prevent Exposure
  • People with Moderate to Severe Asthma

  • Groups at Higher Risk for Severe Illness

  • Serious heart conditions

  • Stay At Home or Self-Isolation

  • People with life-saving surgery or organ transplant

  • Weakened immune deficiencies

  • Controlled or poorly controlled HIV or AIDS

  • No more than 5 people maximum in a confined environment or closed space

3) Purchase & Donate

50% of all purchased proceeds on The Purple Unicorn website go to:


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